M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team Please note that many people helped with this project, either directly or by releasing source code that was used to write the drivers. We are not trying to appropriate merit that isn't ours. See the acknowledgments section for a list of contributors, however please note that the list is largely incomplete. See also the CREDITS section in the emulator to see the people who contributed to a specific driver. Again, that list might be incomplete. We apologize in advance for any omission. All trademarks cited in this document are property of their respective owners. Usage and Distribution License ------------------------------ I. Purpose ---------- MAME is strictly a no profit project. Its main purpose is to be a reference to the inner workings of the emulated arcade machines. This is done for educational purposes and to preserve many historical games from the oblivion they would sink into when the hardware they run on will stop working. Of course to preserve the games you must also be able to actually play them; you can see that as a nice side effect. It is not our intention to infringe any copyrights or patents pending on the original games. All of the source code is either our own or freely available. To work, the emulator requires ROMs of the original arcade machines, which must be provided by the user. No portion of the code of the original ROMs is included in the executable. II. Cost -------- MAME is free. The source code is free. Selling it is not allowed. III. ROM Images --------------- ROM images are copyrighted material, and most of them cannot be distributed freely. Distribution of MAME on the same physical medium as illegal copies of ROM images is strictly forbidden. You are not allowed to distribute MAME in any form if you sell, advertise or publicize illegal CD-ROMs or other media containing ROM images. Note that the restriction applies even if you don't directly make money out of that. You are allowed to make ROMs and MAME available for download on the same web site, but only if you warn users about the copyright status of the ROMs and make it clear that they must not download the ROMs unless they are entitled to do so. IV. Source Code Distribution ---------------------------- If you distribute the binary, you should also distribute the source code. If you can't do that, you must provide a pointer to a place where the source can be obtained. V. Distribution Integrity ------------------------- This chapter applies to the official MAME distribution. See below for limitations on the distribution of derivative works. MAME must be distributed only in the original archives. You are not allowed to distribute a modified version, nor to remove and/or add files to the archive. VI. Reuse of Source Code -------------------------- This chapter might not apply to specific portions of MAME (e.g. CPU emulators) which bear different copyright notices. The source code cannot be used in a commercial product without a written authorization of the authors. Use in non commercial products is allowed and indeed encouraged; however if you use portions of the MAME source code in your program, you must make the full source code freely available as well. Usage of the _information_ contained in the source code is free for any use. However, given the amount of time and energy it took to collect this information, we would appreciate if you made the additional information you might have freely available as well. VII. Derivative Works --------------------- Derivative works are allowed (provided source code is available), but discouraged: MAME is a project continuously evolving, and you should, in your best interest, submit your contributions to the development team, so that they are integrated in the main distribution. There are some trivial modifications to the source code that anybody could do, but go against the spirit of the project. They are NOT considered a derivative work, and distribution of executables with them applied is strictly forbidden. Such changes include, but are not limited to: - enabling games that are disabled - changing the ROM verification commands so that they report missing games - removing the startup information screens If you make a derivative work, you are not allowed to call it MAME. You must use a different name to make clear that it is a MAME derivative, but it isn't an official distribution from the MAME team. Simply calling it MAME followed or preceded by a punctuation (e.g. MAME+) will not be enough. The name must be clearly distinct, e.g. REMAME. The version number must also match the one of the official MAME you derived your version from. How to Contact Us ----------------- The official MAME home page is http://www.mame.net/. You can always find the latest release there, including beta versions and information on things being worked on. Also, a totally legal and free ROM set of Robby Roto is available on the same page. If you have bugs to report, check the MAME Testing Project at http://mameworld.retrogames.com/mametesters Here are some of the people contributing to MAME. If you have comments, suggestions or bug reports about an existing driver, check the driver's Credits section to find who has worked on it, and send comments to that person. If you are not sure who to contact, write to Nicola. If you have comments specific to a system other than DOS (e.g. Mac, Win32, Unix), they should be sent to the respective port maintainer (check the documentation to know who he is). DON'T SEND THEM TO NICOLA - they will be ignored. Nicola Salmoria MC6489@mclink.it Mike Balfour mab22@po.cwru.edu Aaron Giles agiles@sirius.com Chris Moore chris.moore@writeme.com Brad Oliver bradman@pobox.com Andrew Scott ascott@utkux.utcc.utk.edu Zsolt Vasvari vaszs01@banet.net DON'T SEND BINARY ATTACHMENTS WITHOUT ASKING FIRST, *ESPECIALLY* ROM IMAGES. THESE ARE NOT SUPPORT ADDRESSES. Support questions sent to these addresses *will* be ignored. Please understand that this is a *free* project, mostly targeted at experienced users. We don't have the resources to provide end user support. Basically, if you can't get the emulator to work, you are on your own. First of all, read the docs carefully. If you still can't find an answer to your question, try checking the beginner's sections that many emulation pages have, or ask on the appropriate Usenet newsgroups (e.g. comp.emulators.misc) or on the official MAME message board, http://mame.retrogames.com/msgboard.htm. For help in compiling MAME, check this page: http://mameworld.retrogames.com Also, DO NOT SEND REQUESTS FOR NEW GAMES TO ADD, unless you have some original info on the game hardware or, even better, own the board and have the technical expertise needed to help us. Please don't send us information widely available on the Internet - we are perfectly capable of finding it ourselves, thank you. Acknowledgments --------------- First of all, thanks to Allard van der Bas (avdbas@wi.leidenuniv.nl) for starting the Arcade Emulation Programming Repository at http://valhalla.ph.tn.tudelft.nl/emul8 Without the Repository, I would never have even tried to write an emulator. Unfortunately, the original Repository is now closed, but its spirit lives on in MAME. Z80 emulator Copyright (c) 1998 Juergen Buchmueller, all rights reserved. M6502 emulator Copyright (c) 1998 Juergen Buchmueller, all rights reserved. Hu6280 Copyright (c) 1999 Bryan McPhail, mish@tendril.force9.net I86 emulator by David Hedley, modified by Fabrice Frances (frances@ensica.fr) M6809 emulator by John Butler, based on L.C. Benschop's 6809 Simulator V09. M6808 based on L.C. Benschop's 6809 Simulator V09. M68000 emulator Copyright 1999 Karl Stenerud. All rights reserved. 80x86 M68000 emulator Copyright 1998, Mike Coates, Darren Olafson. 8039 emulator by Mirko Buffoni, based on 8048 emulator by Dan Boris. T-11 emulator Copyright (C) Aaron Giles 1998 TMS34010 emulator by Alex Pasadyn and Zsolt Vasvari. TMS9900 emulator by Andy Jones, based on original code by Ton Brouwer. Cinematronics CPU emulator by Jeff Mitchell, Zonn Moore, Neil Bradley. Atari AVG/DVG emulation based on VECSIM by Hedley Rainnie, Eric Smith and Al Kossow. TMS5220 emulator by Frank Palazzolo. AY-3-8910 emulation based on various code snippets by Ville Hallik, Michael Cuddy, Tatsuyuki Satoh, Fabrice Frances, Nicola Salmoria. YM-2203 and YM-2151 emulation by Tatsuyuki Satoh. POKEY emulator by Ron Fries (rfries@aol.com). Many thanks to Eric Smith, Hedley Rainnie and Sean Trowbridge for information on the Pokey random number generator. NES sound hardware info by Jeremy Chadwick and Hedley Rainne. YM3812 and YM3526 emulation by Carl-Henrik Skårstedt. YM2610 emulation by Hiromitsu Shioya. Background art by Peter Hirschberg (PeterH@cronuscom.com). Allegro library by Shawn Hargreaves, 1994/97 SEAL Synthetic Audio Library API Interface Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Carlos Hasan. All Rights Reserved. Video modes created using Tweak 1.6b by Robert Schmidt, who also wrote TwkUser.c. "inflate" code for zip file support by Mark Adler. Big thanks to Gary Walton (garyw@excels-w.demon.co.uk) for too many things to mention them all. Thanks to Brian Deuel, Neil Bradley and the Retrocade dev team for allowing us to use Retrocade's game history database. [John Butler] Usage ----- MAME [name of the game to run] [options] for example MAME mspacman -soundcard 0 will run Ms Pac Man without sound options: -tweak/-notweak (default: notweak) MAME supports a large number of tweaked VGA modes, with resolutions matching the ones of the emulated games. Those modes look MUCH better than VESA modes (and usually faster), but may have compatibility problems with some video cards and monitors, so they are not enabled by default. You should by all means use -tweak if your hardware supports it. Note that some modes might work and other might not, e.g. your card could support 256x256 but not 384x224. In that case you'll have to turn -tweak on or off depending on the game you run. -noscanlines can also solve many compatibility problems. -ntsc a 288x224 mode with standard NTSC frequencies. You need some additional hardware (VGA2TV converter) to make use of this. -vesamode vesa1/vesa2b/vesa2l/vesa3 Forces the VESA mode to use. By default the best available one is used, but some video cards might crash during autodetection, so you should force a lower standard (start with vesa1 and go upwards until it stops working). -resolution XxY where X and Y are width and height (ex: '-resolution 800x600') MAME goes some lengths to autoselect a good resolution. You can override MAME's choice with this option. You can use -XxY (e.g. -800x600) as a shortcut. Frontend authors are advised to use -resolution XxY, however. -skiplines N / -skipcolumns N if you run a game on a video mode smaller than the visible area, you can adjust its position using the PGUP and PGDN keys (alone for vertical panning, shifted for horizontal panning). You can also use these two parameters to set the initial position: 0 is the default, menaing that the screen is centered. You can specify both positive and negative offsets. -scanlines/-noscanlines (default: -scanlines) turns on or off visible scanlines, which give an image more similar to that of a real arcade monitor. -stretch/-nostretch (default: stretch) use nostretch to disable pixel doubling in VESA modes (faster, but smaller picture). -depth n (default: auto) Some games need 16-bit color modes to get accurate graphics. To improve speed, you can turn that off using -depth 8, which limits to the standard 256 color modes. You can also use -depth 16 to force games to use a 16-bit diplay even if they fit in 256 colors, but this isn't suggested. -gamma n (default: 1.0) Set the initial gamma correction value. -vgafreq n where n can be 0 (default) 1, 2 or 3. use different frequencies for the custom video modes. This could reduce flicker, especially in the 224x288noscanlines mode. WARNING: THE FREQUENCIES USED MIGHT BE WAY OUTSIDE OF YOUR MONITOR RANGE, AND COULD EVEN DAMAGE IT. USE THESE OPTIONS AT YOUR OWN RISK. -vsync/-novsync (default: -novsync) synchronize video display with the video beam instead of using the timer. This option can only be used if the selected video mode has an appropriate refresh rate; MAME will otherwise refuse to start, telling you the actual refresh rate of the video mode, and the rate it should have. If you are using a tweaked mode, MAME will try to automatically pick the correct setting for -vgafreq; you can still override it using the -vgafreq option. Note: the 224x288 noscanlines mode doesn't work on most cards. This mode is used by many games, e.g. Pac Man and Galaga. If it doesn't work on your card, either use the scanlines version, or don't use -vsync. If you are using a VESA mode you should use the program which came with your video card to set the appropriate refresh rate. Note that when this option is turned on, speed will NOT downgrade nicely if your system is not fast enough (i.e.: jerkier gameplay). -alwayssynced/-noalwayssynced (default: -noalwayssynced) for many tweaked VGA modes, MAME has two definitions: one which is more compatible, and one which is less compatible but uses frequencies compatible with -vsync. By default, the less compatible definition is used only when -vsync is requested; using this option, you can force it to be used always. -triplebuffer/-notriplebuffer (default: -notriplebuffer) Enables triple buffering with VESA modes. This is faster than -vsync, but doesn't work on all cards and, even it does remove tearing during scrolling, it might not be as smooth as vsync. -monitor NNNN (default: standard) selects the monitor type: standard: standard PC monitor ntsc: NTSC monitor pal: PAL monitor arcade: arcade monitor -centerx N and -centery N each take a signed value (-8 to 8 for centerx, -16 to 16 for centery) and let you shift the low scanrate modes (monitor=ntsc, pal,arcade) around. -waitinterlace forces update of both odd and even fields of an interlaced low scanrate display (monitor=ntsc,pal,arcade) for each game loop. -ror rotate the display clockwise by 90 degrees. -rol rotate display anticlockwise -flipx flip display horizontally -flipy flip display vertically -ror and -rol provide authentic *vertical* scanlines, given you turn your monitor to its side. CAUTION: A monitor is a complicated, high voltage electronic device. There are some monitors that were designed to be rotated. If yours is _not_ one of those, but you absolutely must turn it to its side, you do so at your own risk. ****************************************************** PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR MONITOR WITHOUT ATTENTION IF IT IS PLUGGED IN AND TURNED TO ITS SIDE ****************************************************** -norotate This is supposed to disable all internal rotations of the image, therefore displaying the video output as it is supposed to be (so you need a vertical monitor to see vertical games). In some cases, the image will be upside down. To correct that, use -norotate -flipx -flipy. -frameskip n (default: auto) skip frames to speed up the emulation. The argument is the number of frames to skip out of 12. For example, if the game normally runs at 60 fps, "-frameskip 2" will make it run at 50 fps, and "-frameskip 6" at 30 fps. Use F11 to check the speed your computer is actually reaching. If it is below 100%, increase the frameskip value. You can press F9 to change frameskip while running the game. When set to auto (the default), the frameskip setting is dynamically adjusted at run time to display the maximum possible frames without dropping below 100% speed. -antialias/-noantialias (default: -antialias) antialiasing for the vector games. -beam n sets the width in pixels of the vectors. n is a float in the range of 1.00 through 16.00. -flicker n make the vectors flicker. n is an optional argument, a float in the range 0.00 - 100.00 (0=none 100=maximum). -translucency/-notranslucency (default: -translucency) enables or disables vector translucency. -soundcard n select sound card (if this is not specified, you will be asked interactively) -sr n set the audio sample rate. The default is 22050. Smaller values (e.g. 11025) will cause lower audio quality but faster emulation speed. Higher values (e.g. 44100) will cause higher audio quality but slower emulation speed. -sb n set the audio sample bits, either 8 or 16. The default is 8. 16 will increase quality with certain games, but decrease speed. This is a software setting, not hardware. The sound card will always be used in 16 bit mode, if possible. -stereo/-nostereo (default: -stereo) enables stereo output for games supporting it. -volume n (default: 0) set the startup volume. It can later be changed using the On Screen Display. The volume is an attenuation in dB, e.g. "-volume -12" will start with a -12dB attenuation. -ym3812opl/-noym3812opl (default: -noym3812opl) use the SoundBlaster OPL chip for music emulation of the YM3812 chip. This is faster, and is reasonably accurate since the chips are 100% compatible. However, there is no control on the volume, and you need a real OPL chip for it to work (if you are using a SB compatible card that emulates the OPL in software, the built in digirtal emulation will probably sound better). -joy name (default: none) allows joystick input, name can be: none - no joystick auto - attempts auto detection standard - normal 2 button joystick dual - dual joysticks 4button - Stick/Pad with 4 buttons 6button - Stick/Pad with 6 buttons 8button - Stick/Pad with 8 buttons fspro - CH Flightstick Pro wingex - Wingman Extreme wingwarrior - Wingman Warrior sidewinder - Microsoft Sidewinder (up to 4) gamepadpro - Gravis GamePad Pro grip - Gravis GrIP grip4 - Gravis GrIP constrained to only move along the four main axis sneslpt1 - SNES pad on LPT1 (needs special hardware) sneslpt2 - SNES pad on LPT2 (needs special hardware) sneslpt3 - SNES pad on LPT3 (needs special hardware) psxlpt1 - PSX pad on LPT1 (needs special hardware) psxlpt2 - PSX pad on LPT2 (needs special hardware) psxlpt3 - PSX pad on LPT3 (needs special hardware) n64lpt1 - N64 pad on LPT1 (needs special hardware) n64lpt2 - N64 pad on LPT2 (needs special hardware) n64lpt3 - N64 pad on LPT3 (needs special hardware) Notes: 1) Use the TAB menu to calibrate analog joysticks. Calibration data will be saved in mame.cfg. If you're using different joytypes for different games, you may need to recalibrate your joystick every time. 2) Extra buttons of noname joysticks may not work. 3) the "official" Snespad-Support site is http://snespad.emulationworld.com 4) http://www.debaser.force9.co.uk/ccmame has info on how to connect PSX and N64 pads. -hotrod sets a default keyboard configuration suitable for the HotRod joystick by HanaHo Games. -log create a log of illegal memory accesses in ERROR.LOG -help, -? display current MAME version and copyright notice -list display a list of currently supported games -listfull display a list of game directory names + description -listroms display selected game required roms -listsamples display selected game required samples -listdetails display a detailed list of drivers and the hardware they use -listgames list the supported games, year, manufacturer -listinfo list comprehensive details for all of the supported games -listclones list all clones of the specified game -noclones used together with the list commands, doesn't list alternate versions of the same game -verifyroms check selected game(s) for missing and invalid ROMs. * checks all available games. -verifysets check selected game(s) and report their status. * checks all available games. -verifysamples check selected game for missing samples. -romdir specify an alternate directory/zip name where to load the ROMs for the specified game. E.g. "mame pacman -romdir pachack" will run the Pac Man driver but load the roms from the "pachack" dir or "pachack.zip" archive. -mouse/-nomouse (default: -mouse) enable/disable mouse support -cheat Cheats like the speedup in Pac Man or the level skip in many other games are disabled by default. Use this switch to turn them on. -debug Activate the integrated debugger. During the emulation, press tilde to enter the debugger. This is only available if the program is compiled with MAME_DEBUG defined. -record name Record joystick input on file INP/name.inp. -playback name Playback joystick input from file INP/name.inp. -savecfg no longer supported at the moment -ignorecfg ignore mame.cfg and start with the default settings Keys ---- Tab Toggles the configuration menu Tilde Toggles the On Screen Display Use the up and down arrow keys to select the parameter (global volume, mixing level, gamma correction etc.), left and right to arrow keys to modify it. P Pause Shift+P While paused, advance to next frame F3 Reset F4 Show the game graphics. Use cursor keys to change set/color, F4 or Esc to return to the emulation. F9 Change frame skip on the fly F10 Toggle speed throttling F11 Toggle speed display Shift+F11 Toggle profiler display F12 Save a screen snapshot. The default target directory is SNAP, you have to create it yourself, it will not be created by the program if it isn't there. ESC Exit emulator